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English 10 / 10 Honors

English 10  
English 10 is a heterogeneous program designed to develop proficiency in reading and writing skills. A generic approach to literature is used. Short stories, nonfiction, poetry and fantasy units are featured. Character analysis and theme comparison papers are monitored at every stage leading to an acceptable first draft. A wide array of supplemental reading sources are considered, as well as several major works and student-choice books. Students complete interdisciplinary English and social studies writing/research projects. Students in this course will take the New York State ELA Regents Exam.

English 10 Honors  
English 10 Honors is for a select group of honors students who already exhibit advanced skills in writing and reading. Emphasis is placed upon independent study skills, composition, classical literature, and formal research. Students complete interdisciplinary English social studies writing/research projects. Several major literary essays are assigned and monitored throughout the various phrases from thesis formulation to finished product. The Honors program 16 introduces the use of literary criticism. A wide array of supplemental reading sources are considered, and two studentchoice books. Students in this course will take the New York State ELA Regents Exam.