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All students are required to take one semester of Health Education in order to satisfy NYS requirements for a high school diploma. Health is typically scheduled during the seventh grade and sophomore year whenever possible.

This course addresses critical health issues and behaviors of relevance to teenagers in all areas of wellness. Students will learn functional knowledge that includes diseases and disorders, fitness, substance abuse, human sexuality, HIV/AIDS, and first aid and CPR.

Students will also learn topics that are covered within the context of developing life skills, including decision-making, refusal skills, self-improvement, communication skills, stress management and social skills. With the practice of these skills, students are empowered to make informed decisions in all areas of their wellness. Emphasis is placed on student participation through assessments, projects and exams.

*The NYS Commissioner’s regulation requires instruction of hands only cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the use of an automated external defibrillator by the time the student graduates high school. As a result, students will be able to recognize the signs of a possible cardiac arrest to call 911, and provide an opportunity to demonstrate compressions necessary to perform hands-only CPR and provide an awareness of the use of an AED.

***Health education meets every other day for the whole school year. Progress reports are provided in the first and third quarters. Report cards will be provided for the second and fourth quarter.