CS110 Python
CS110 Python
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Algebra 1
This Siena College dual-enrollment course is a broad introduction to a variety of fundamental topics in computer science through the theme of multimedia. Using the Python programming language, students express themselves creatively and solve problems involving images, sounds, and animations. Students are also introduced to important computer science topics including data representation, computer organization, history and societal impact of computing, and artificial intelligence. Students taking this course at the high school have the option to earn 3 college credits for a (flat) $200 tuition rate. (Tuition is waived for students qualifying for free or reduced lunch.) This is a dual enrollment course through Siena College. If students desire, they may pay $200 tuition and receive 3 credits from Siena College on a Siena College transcript. The dual enrollment is an option not a requirement. The curriculum is robust, and offers an opportunity for students to experience a strong introductory level CS course not tied to an AP exam.