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Global History and Geography I Honors/Pre-AP European History

Global History and Geography I Honors/Pre-AP European History

The Global History and Geography I Honors core curriculum is designed to focus on the five Social Studies Standards, common themes that recur across time and place, and the first three historical units as outlined in the state curriculum. Each unit lists the content, concepts, and themes, and connections teachers should use to organize classroom instruction and plan for assessment. This curriculum provides students with the opportunity to explore what is happening in various regions and civilizations at a given time. In addition, it enables them to investigate issues and themes from multiple perspectives and make global connections and linkages that lead to in-depth understanding. As students explore the five social studies standards, they should have multiple opportunities to explore the content and intellectual skills of history and the social science disciplines.

During the fourth quarter, students will begin a Pre-AP European History program completing the fourth and final unit, the First Global Age (1450 C.E – 1770 C.E.).