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STEP (Structured Teaching Educational Program)

The Structured Teaching Educational Program is a special class program (6:1:1) providing students with a positive, structured, learning environment.  Teachers and support staff are trained in, and follow the TEACCH (Treatment and Education of Autistic and Communication Handicapped Children) model.  ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) and FBA (Functional Behavior Analysis) are used to promote positive changes in behavior.  Speech and language services are provided so that the special education teacher and speech/language pathologist work collaboratively to promote language and academic development.  The academic, functional, and social skills curriculum meet the specific needs, learning styles, abilities and IEP goals of participating students.  Psychological, BCBA, and Augmentative/Assistive Communication consultative services are also incorporated into the program to the extent indicated on students’ IEPs.  With support, students participate in special area electives, adapted physical education and mainstream classes within the building as appropriate.