Student Parking
North Salem High School On Campus Student Parking
North Salem School District views driving on campus and driving in general very seriously. In conjunction with the North Salem District Safety Committee the North Salem School District developed the student parking program as described below.
Driving a personal vehicle and parking on school grounds during the school day is a senior privilege. There are a limited number of spots available for students and they are reserved for seniors first. Only seniors may paint their parking spot to personalize it.
How can I earn the privilege to park on campus?
- Must have a valid NYS Driver’s license
- Fill out appropriate paperwork obtained in main office
- Have earned a total of 50 safe driving education points as a minimum requirement to be considered for a spot
- Seniors will be given priority spots first.
Painting Parking Spots
Seniors parking spots should be painted with Krylon Marking Paint (can be found at Home Depot or Lowes). If the spot has a picture from the previous year students may need to cover it up with black or grey paint first. Please do not use Latex paint. Latex paint wears off faster and when it rains latex paint gets very slippery. Student paintings must be in good taste and not reflective of hate symbols, vulgar language, or otherwise offensive images. Students are required to submit a copy of their design to the main office for approval before painting.
How can I earn safe driver education points?
(combine any of the following to accumulate 50 safe driving educational points)
- Attend (and provide proof) of passing an accredited Driver's Education/ Driving Instruction Program. (25pts)
- Attend a 1 period safety lesson taught by the School Resource Officer. (25pts) (Online version)
- Attend special assemblies that may be offered throughout the year. (15pts)
- Other student designed experience. (15pts) (must be approved by school administrator)
- Review the video selection from AAA online — Complete 1 (one) personal reflection form per video and submit. You may print a hard copy to turn in the main office as well. (5pts ea)
- AAA Driver Education Training Videos
- Distracted Driving PSA Video
- The Challange of Distracted Driving Video
- Five Rules of the Road Video
- What to do if an Animal Runs in Front of You Video
- Driving Tips for Wet Roads Video
- Tips for Safe Winter Driving Video
- The Importance of the Move Over Law Video
- How to Reduce a Traffice Jam Video
- Correcting Driving Misinformation Video
- Tire Pressure 101 Video
- Windshield Wiper 101 Video
- Adjust Mirrors for Improved Safety Video
- Pedestrian Safety Video
Personal Reflection Form Link - Click here